
For Elephants is a non-profit organization that conducts elephant research and provides expertise and resources to people that want to do their part- elephant care professionals, researchers, and elephant enthusiasts.

Our Mission

“For Elephants, Inc.” is dedicated to the survival of the world’s African elephants through research, conservation, and education. We take on this mission to save elephants from extinction and invite others to join us, so that we may live in a world where elephants always exist.

  • We talk, inspire, and empower. Locally and globally. As an inspirational and informed speaker and educator, Dr. Morfeld transfers her scientific knowledge about elephants and wild places into empowering others to improve themselves and the planet. Learn how (hyperlink to inspire page) to schedule Dr. Morfeld and For Elephants for your academic, business, or personal events.

  • We are built on a foundation of scientific research. Although we do the rigorous processes of sound research, the larger challenge is transforming our findings into conservation action. For Elephants conducts the science but also takes it to the next level by applying what we learn to make informed conservation changes. Learn more (hyperlink to research page) about the research we conduct.

  • We connect people with elephants – instilling an understanding of and connection to our mission. You can help. You can lead others to help. Learn more (hyperlink to connect page) about how you can be involved in elephant research and outreach.

We Do

Elephant Research Expeditions in South Africa

Be inspired and connect with the magic of Africa through an elephant research safari in South Africa! In a unique expedition that combines science, creativity, passion, technology, and nature, you will experience many facets of elephant conservation. From assisting with hands-on research in the field and the laboratory, to being immersed in the wonders of nature and simply watching and listening to elephants within reach. You will gain unique and invaluable experiences to strengthen your academic, career, and personal goals. The Elephant Research Expedition will inspire you in making a difference for nature and for yourself. Various research expedition types to accommodate specific interests are capabilities are available- career, student, personal, and family!